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Tarot Card of the Month - February 2025

January 29, 2025β€’5 min read

β€œAll systems of divination can be tools into another world. Join me as we explore one Tarot card each month to see how the Tarot can serve as a tool towards spiritual awakening and aligning with your personal sovereignty." - Nikki Aggarwal

Tarot Card of the Month - February 2025:

Tarot Card: 5 of Cups

As I shuffled through my trusty Tarot deck, I held the following intention in my heart:

What card would most serve the readers in the 2nd month of 2025?

Our result?...

The 8 of Swords!

Similar to last month's card, the appearance of the 8 of Swords can make us feel intimidated, bound, and depressed about our situation at first glance. But, as with all things that exist in a world of duality, there is always another side! Let's look at both perspectives so you can get a full picture of the wisdom that the 8 of Swords has to offer. Then, from there, you can exercise your free-will power of choice to decide which perspective you want to focus on.

The overarching question that you must ask yourself when you see the 8 of Swords is: how will I choose to deal with the fear that I feel? The girl in the image is surrounded by swords, which represent the fears that she feels yet can't quite figure out why she feels them, hence the blindfold over her eyes. This indicates a presence of suppressed or repressed fears, maybe from childhood experiences, or inherited ancestral fears, or fears carried over from other incarnations. She feels bound by those fears but her feet are still free to move forward, IF she chooses to move forward despite the sometimes overwhelming presence of fear, especially fear of the unknown.

In essence, the 8 of Swords indicates that you may be operating from a place of restricted thinking, stuck in a time of indecision, unable to move forward because you can't see the path ahead, and full of doubt that you could make the right decision, even if you could see your way forward.

And the 8 of Swords is also a call to action. How can you open your eyes so you can see better and broaden your perspective? Do you even need to "open your eyes?" Meaning, can you resource your ability to trust in the unseen? Can you embrace the idea that the Universe has your back and that you are safe to move forward, even if the way forward is unclear for now?

No matter where you are now and what you are experiencing, doubt, fear, and confusion are all temporary experiences. They are also a normal part of human life, and they often indicate that you are on the edge of growth, IF you can recognize them as temporary resistance that only hold power over you if you give your power away to them. Rather, hold strong in your knowing that you hold the power over your internal world, that you are the sovereign being of your human experience, and that you are capable of moving forward into the unknown with trust and faith that you will be guided and provided for along the way.

Now, this path is not easy, nor is it for the feign of heart. However, it is the most rewarding for those who choose to take this path, and to keep moving forward even when you feel resistance along the way.

Regardless of which way you go in the presence of this card, realize that there is never any judgement directed towards you from your soul/higher self's perspective. Those higher frequencies of us are aware of how difficult the human experience can be at times. So take a page out of their book and give yourself some grace, compassion, and forgiveness in any moments when things feel too difficult and you choose to go the "easy" route. Don't worry, you will get another chance to choose differently at some point in the future, whether it's this life or the next. πŸ˜‰

As Abraham Hicks says, "You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong."

So do your best to relax and to find joy in your present moment, even when the situation feels difficult. Because when you can change your frequency, even in a difficult moment, you are more likely to receive a different solution. And usually, that new solution is better and easier than anything you might have forced together when you were in a state of stress, tension, or upset.

Here is another great quote that helps you uncover the higher wisdom from the 8 of Swords:
"You can't solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it." ~Albert Einstein

In other words, change your thinking and you will find solutions to your problems.

Or, said from a more metaphysical perspective: change your frequency, change your life! πŸ™

And if you need help, then reach out. You can schedule a reading with me at Sanctuary Imports, or we can schedule an exploration call to see if working together privately in a 1:1 coaching journey makes sense. I love helping my clients transform their inner world! Our work helps them feel stronger, more self-empowered, and aligned with their sovereignty, AND we both get to witness as the changes that they make inside of themselves then radiate out to create transformation in their outer world, too.

Remember, you deserve the best that you can give yourself!

Peace and blessings to you and yours, and in loving light, I look forward to exploring next month's Tarot card of the month! 😊

~ Nikki Aggarwal

Loving Light 11
[email protected]
πŸ’–Referral based, woman owned businessπŸ’–

Soulopreneur of Loving Light 11, LLC; intuitive reader, healer, teacher, and transformational coach.

Nikki Aggarwal

Soulopreneur of Loving Light 11, LLC; intuitive reader, healer, teacher, and transformational coach.

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